10 days later, the dust is finally settling enough for us to enjoy some quality art. We've already seen A LOT of amazing stuff....does CrossFit self-select for creative people; does it spur creativity (as we're starting to believe); or are we just exceptionally lucky? Already, 2000+ pictures have crossed our facebook profile; how are we supposed to choose?
We're passing the buck. If you have pictures you'd like to submit, you can choose ten and upload them to our Flickr group (you may need to join Flickr or Yahoo! - it's free.) You can also influence the judges early by hitting 'favourite' on a picture you REALLY, REALLY like!
Of those, we'll choose ten finalists and post them on our site on Friday. You'll be allowed to vote for three. The picture with the most votes wins. We're not often democratic, but in this case, it's really up to the Family.
Plan B: email the photos to [email protected] .
Rules: photos must be unedited. We love seeing your artistic sense, and we love what PicNik does with this stuff....but it's too hard to judge. So please submit only untouched photos in colour, black/white, or cyan (that's okay.) No extra text or highlights, please.
Prize: free entry into EVERY Catalyst event for 1 year, including the 2011 Games! FranFest2010, Murph '11, the Midnight 5k....and many more to be announced!