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Skill: Turkish Get-Ups
WOD: 11min AMRAP
7 thrusters
11 push ups
15 pull ups
Game: Battleship
Skill: Double Unders
WOD: 4min AMRAP x 3, 1 minute rest between
6 DB power cleans
6 DB squats
shuttle run
Post total number of rounds completed.
Skill: Max Height Box Jump
WOD: In Partners Complete
3x4:00 AMRAP, 1:00 Rest between Rounds
7 Box Dips
7 Pull-ups
100m Run
Skill: Alligator Walk
WOD: Complete in partners, I go, you go
AMRAP 11minutes
10 thrusters
10 box jumps
Games: MasterMind
Today's WOD:
Warm-up: 3x
5 Squats - Forward Roll - Bear Crawl - Angry Gorilla Walk - Forward Roll - High Knee Skip - Side Shuffle
Skill: Pull-ups
WOD: 3 3:00 AMRAP, 2:00 Rest between each round
3 Wall Walks
6 Burpees
9 Double Unders
Skill: Skin the cat
WOD: In teams of 2:
200m run
3 rounds10 knees-to-elbows15 sumo deadlift high pulls30 squats
10 Mountain Climbers - 10 Lunge Steps - 10 Squats - Bear Crawl - High Knee Skip - Sprint - Long Jump
Skill: Toes to Bar
WOD: AMRAP in 10:00 of
12-9-6 of
Handstand Push-ups
Bear Crawl - Run - 10 Squats + 3 second pause at bottom- 10 Push-ups 3 second pause at top - 10 Hollow Rocks - Duck Walk - Forward Roll -
Skill: Tire Flips
WOD: AMRAP in 10:00
10 Tire Jumps
30 Squats