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So why does it take a positive or negative emotion to cement the memory of an advertisement, but it takes no such emotion to recall academics, the written word, or a conversation?

After reading a chapter from Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength" I can recall this information at will, or at least recall where to find the information for a refresher. Down the road, if I have a bench press question I know exactly where to look, and without having to first read the book in the back of my grandpa's smelly station wagon or from within sight of a tiger.

Similarly if you give me a Catalyst business card and I toss it in a drawer, I can recall the card’s location I start considering joining an affiliate. It’s not emotion that cements memory, it’s whether or not you deem that information significant enough to retain for later recall that drives the memory formation.

But, Jon, can you recall the exact page and line of Rip's book where the relevant information lies? Relevance is not a line you cross, friend, but a shifting spectrum of priority. You're right on this fact: that perceived relevance (in your case, knowledge about the bench press is relevant) is what makes for long-term storage. However, what determines relevance? Emotional connection.
Obviously, this post (and the preceding) have relevance to you, and that's what has prompted your responses. I'll wager that you remember both posts. But will you remember the last question on the last math exam you took? Would you recall the question if you took the exam last night? As relevance fades, so does memory.

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