It's time for me to brag up the Catalyst Family a bit.
Last year, several members organized a surprise "Christmas Party" at a local restaurant. It was a great time: a room full of CrossFitters, great food, and a nice little speech. They gave me a cool gift: a photo frame that scrolls through my facebook photos of the gym. I use it every day. Everyone was fed, Coach got choked up, and we all left with a warm feeling inside.
This year, though, a couple of members came up with an idea that's been a bit of a miracle. After securing a list of 50 local families in need of help, they started a facebook group and asked people to buy a present for a kid. There were over 100 signups on the first day.
A month out, the 'Catalyst Christmas Gift' is part of every conversation: in the gym, on facebook and in other social media, and in our home (likely others, too.) People are excited to pick out toys; they're trying to figure out how to buy clothes for teenagers. The kids, faceless to us, are going to reap a whirlwind of compassion.
My job: cut down a tree (and buy three presents.)
We've already asked for the names of MORE kids, and when I pulled the organizer aside last night to say, "If there are any unclaimed kids, let me know so that I can take care of them...." she replied, "You're the fourth person to make that offer."
The Catalyst Family is awe-inspiring. Your gym family can be, too. While I can't claim to have done much toward making people more generous (our waiver DOES dictate that members be nice to everyone else....) CrossFit and hard exercise seems to attract the best, doesn't it? Sometimes, it's pretty hard to call this, "work."
Want to feel like a billionaire mogul? Give generously to people you'll never meet.