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Agree totally Chris. We have over 30 scheduled to start Intro Programs next week, and although we've been experiencing 80-90% retention with our month long induction, I have a feeling it wont be the same this time through thanks to a sudden surge in knowledge about CrossFit (and possible new fad perception by the hungry public) and New Year Resolutionitis (which we try to minimise by not having an Intro in January). Solutions I am thinking about include price rises, only taking referred prospects, and some sort of pre-sign up screening process to keep tire kickers at bay.

We are experiencing an explosion of growth as well, and struggling to find ways to handle it... We already raised rates (right before this explosion happened in January), we are capping classes, have added 2 new classes per day, added an open gym time, have several people in training now to become "assistant coaches".... but short of hiring a third full-time trainer (and we don't know where to find one?!) we're running out of ideas... what other suggestions do you have? We're the only CF gym in a 50-mile radius at this point, and are actually hoping another one opens to relieve a bit of the pressure! Thanks in advance for any tips...

Hi Allyson! This is a common problem with successful Affiliates: they want to grow, but they're not completely prepared for the influx (their infrastructure isn't set up.) This means that they don't have policies, procedures, job descriptions, etc. setup in advance to make hiring and expansion easy. I've had the opportunity to speak with many Affiliates lately, and this is a very common problem; however, as the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago. Next-best time is today. I'd pick up Michael Gerber's book, "E-Myth Mastery" and start working ON your business instead of IN your business (sorry to use Gerber's catchphrase there, but it's come up a LOT this week.) Best of luck! If you'd like me to help, just ask.

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