When this magazine cover hit the walls yesterday, CrossFit affilliates and students were quick to jump all over it - not because they meant ill for the writer, but because they were eager to demonstrate that they knew more than Big Media. If you can't see the bottom of the picture, it describes an "Overhead Squat" movement as one of the 'CrossFit Five.'
The best way to keep your clients? Make them smarter than your competition. If they know more than the Personal Trainers at other gyms, they won't switch. If they know more than their friends, they'll talk. If they know more than they knew before, they'll stay. Just keep that delicious train of knowledge coming.
Learning is addictive. Our educational model doesn't approach this in the right way - yet - but we're working on it.
The keys to teaching new information, and keeping people excited about it:
- Present information when the client is most open to suggestion (post-workout)
- Demonstrate its relevance (this will help your power clean)
- Recall what they already know
- Allude to more information that will become available when the current 'level' has been mastered
Drug dealers know this method. So do the Masons, so do the Buddhists, so do most Western-hemisphere political parties, and so does Mel Gibson. Promotion through the ranks means access to more information....and thereby greater adherence to dogma. Learn, rise, remain.
Our role of Learner has never been easier. Our role of Teacher has never been more opportune: find information, make it accessible through sharing and translation and relevance, and help your clients make progress.
Access to information is addictive. Sharing knowledge is one of the strongest social reinforcement tools we've developed over our milennia of evolution. We're primed to learn, and to stay loyal to the font of knowledge until it's dried up. It won't, ever.